Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Casting for my new brace.

Today I went to the RNOH (Royal National Orthopedic Hospital) to have a plaster cast made of my back, so I can get a new brace. I need a new one because I have outgrown my old one already!!

When I got to the hospital I had to put on a big body sock and they cut out holes for my arms.

Then I had to sit very still and straight while they put the warm plaster all around my body.


While the plaster was setting the doctor pushed it into the correct shape to correct the curve in my spine.

Once it was dry they had to cut it off.  They will use the plaster cast as a mould for my new brace.

1 comment:

  1. to my brave little sol;dier. you have been such a good girl about wearing your brace even though i know you get really HOT in this weather. i'm very proud of you and i ams soooo pleased that your curve has got better, keep wearing the brace and hopefully it will get even better!

    mummy xoxoxo
